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Can You Get Cavities with Veneers?

October 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — marshdentalpateam @ 7:30 pm
person wondering if you can get cavities with veneers

Over the years, porcelain veneers have undergone a significant evolution. Initially crafted to enhance the smiles of Hollywood luminaries, these transformative dental enhancements have now become accessible to a broader audience, providing individuals with a pathway to enhance the aesthetics of their teeth. While these veneers excel in resolving a range of cosmetic concerns, a pertinent query emerges: What about cavities? Read on to learn the answer.

Can You Still Get Cavities with Veneers?

Crafted from high-quality dental-grade porcelain, veneers serve as thin shells skillfully designed to conceal the frontal portion of a tooth. While their composition differs from that of natural teeth, it’s imperative to acknowledge that the underlying tooth may remain susceptible to decay.

Inadequate oral hygiene practices, such as neglecting to brush for a recommended two minutes both in the morning and at night, coupled with a failure to engage in nightly flossing, are frequently identified as primary contributors to the formation of cavities.

Moreover, an excess intake of sugary, acidic, or starchy foods and beverages can play a significant role in the development of decay. In the event that a cavity does arise in a tooth adorned with a veneer, the intervention of a dentist becomes necessary.

The removal of the veneer is essential to facilitate proper treatment for the underlying tooth. This underscores the importance of maintaining meticulous oral care practices to safeguard both natural teeth and those enhanced with veneers.

4 Tips for Maintaining Your Veneers

Maintaining cavity-free veneers involves focusing on your oral care with these simple steps:

  • Be mindful of your diet: Be cautious when consuming hard or sticky foods such as crunchy bread, taffy, and peanut brittle, as they have the potential to harm or loosen your veneers. It’s advisable to steer clear of these foods to maintain the integrity of your veneers.
  • Break unhealthy habits: Avoid using your teeth for activities like opening bottles, smoking, chewing ice, and excessive alcohol consumption, as engaging in these habits can potentially cause harm to both your veneers and the underlying teeth.
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to avoid enamel damage.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups: Visit your dentist biannually to monitor cavities and other oral health issues, accompanied by cleaning to maintain hygiene.

Maintaining the health and longevity of your veneers involves adopting mindful habits and steering clear of potential risks. By following the above tips, you contribute to the lasting enhancement of your smile!

About the Practice

Drs. Eric Marsh and Michele Pisano-Marsh, along with the entire Allentown team, share a collective dedication to providing high-quality, comfortable care and exceptional dental experiences. Operating from their modern office in Pennsylvania, they offer a myriad of comprehensive services, full-service care, and personalized treatment plans tailored for patients of all ages. With a commitment to delivering an outstanding experience, they specialize in porcelain veneers to enhance the aesthetics of smiles. Going beyond cosmetic enhancements, the team can also give advice on preventing cavities with veneers. For appointments or additional information on porcelain veneers, visit their website or call (484) 550-7602.

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